Chelsea Adams Photography

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PDX Date Night Ideas

The holidays may be over, but there’s still a lot of winter left to enjoy. And there’s no better way to spend a wintry weekend night than going on a date with your special someone.

Here in Portland, we have oodles of restaurants and endless cultural events to keep your dates fresh and fun. But if you’re stuck in a rut, here are a few tried and true date spots that will fit any budget.

Read together at Powell’s Books - It’s not a PDX date night without a stop at Powell’s Books. Grab dinner beforehand at Sizzle Pie or read some cookbooks to work up an appetite. 

See a movie at a McMenamin’s theater - Going to the movies is a date night staple, but for a special film experience, visit a McMenamin’s theater (like the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove). The vintage ambience makes it special, you can choose from couches or padded seats, and order from a menu that includes pizza and sushi.

Visit the Hood - Forget date night; make it a date day at Mt. Hood. Spend the day skiing or sledding,or try something new like snowshoeing. Stop by the Timberline Lodge when you’re done to warm up with some hot cocoa.

Get ice cream - Portland summers are short, but we serve up ice cream allll year long. So grab a scoop during the off-season when lines are short. Choose from Salt & Straw, Ruby Jewel, Eb & Bean, Fifty Licks, Handel’s — and that’s just a few!

Croon some karaoke - This one is great for a birthday party or large group date. There are karaoke bars aplenty, but book a suite at Voicebox if singing in front of strangers is too intimidating. Choose from thousands of songs, but you know “Bohemian Rhapsody” is going on your list.

Go bowling - Invite another couple (or two) and form a mini bowling league. Places like Big Al’s or King Pins have a full menu so you can dine while you bowl. Sweeten the deal with a friendly bet — losing team buys dessert for the winning pair.

Explore downtown - No, not that downtown. Beaverton, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, and West Linn all have downtown streets worth exploring. Pick a city out of a hat each week to expand your date night horizon.

Ice Skate with your mate - There’s a reason every Hallmark movie has an ice skating scene. It’s super romantic and you’ll have to hold hands to keep from falling. Choose from the Winterhawks Skating Center and the rink at Lloyd Center. If you choose the latter, you can hit up Macy’s before heading home.



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