How to Make a Vision Board
Vision boards have been around forever, but they’re having a moment right now. In an era of Instagram and Pinterest, people are realizing how powerful images can be to motivate us — or discourage us. So grab some scissors and some push pins; your laptop and a printer. It’s time to turn your vision into reality!
What is a vision board?
Vision boards are typically a poster or corkboard where you collage images that represent the goals you have for yourself, an event or a business. They can be scrappy or beautiful. I like to make mine into something that I don’t mind having up on the wall of my office. Either way, they’re a visual interpretation of the future you want to create.
Why use a vision board?
Visualization is essential to success. It sounds like a meditation mantra, but even science backs it up. One study showed that just envisioning exercise can increase muscle tone! That’s how powerful our mind/body connection can be. As you make a vision board, you clarify your goals and intentions. Looking at the board each day reinforces your commitment to your vision and helps you focus your energies on getting there. It’s a daily reminder to stay on course.
How do I make I vision board?
You can use poster board, corkboard or a magnet board to gather your inspirational images. If you prefer digital access, you can create a virtual vision board — sometimes called a dream board — using Canva, PicStitch or other collage app. Last year, I did mine through Persnickety Prints (see images of mine below) and printed one of their collage boards. It turned out amazing and I really love it. Another favorite idea, you can schedule a photoshoot where you act out the outcomes you want to achieve. (You sitting in a corner office, you packing for a trip to Paris, etc.). These photos are great for both your vision board AND your Instagram feed, especially for small business owners who use social media to market their brand. Help your followers get to know you and give yourself extra accountability with images of you achieving your goals!
Be sure to include some words of affirmation to break up the clutter of too many images.
My Vision board from Persnickety Prints on foam board.
Persnickety prints foam board is super sturdy too, no need for a frame or anything and you can use sticky velcro to hang up on your wall.
Some simple steps you can take to get started:
Write down a list of goals (these can be anything!)
Look for images (or create your own with my help) that represent your goals or symbolize the life you hope to achieve. If you have magazines, use those, but I typically just do a Google search for whatever it is I am looking for. For example, I type in “Nikon D850 images” if I have a goal of owning one, I simply snip the picture and print.
Make a collage of these images on a poster board, or use the Persnickety Prints collage board and plunk your images straight into their template, or however you have decided to display your images, start assembling it now.
Remember that if you want to keep this up in your office or bedroom, you don’t want it to be an eyesore. Make it cute in someway or representative of your style so that you aren’t apt to tuck it away next time you are cleaning that room.
Don’t forget to add words and not just pictures. For one, it breaks up the clutter of images, and for two, we all love great words of affirmation, inspiration, courage, and imagination!
Finally, if you are going to all this trouble, make sure that you actually look at your vision board for a minute or two EVERY DAY!
What should I put on my vision board?
Every board is going to be different. Carve out some time beforehand to consider what you really want in life/love/business and the steps you’ll need to take to get there. Then search through magazines and online images to find pictures that resonate with your goals. Don’t clip pics that discourage or shame you; choose ones that pump you up. And don’t just put pictures of the things you want (car, house, clothes). Include images that showcase the actions it will take to achieve those things. You can get free images from several different websites with stock photos: Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, etc.
Can you help me make my vision board?
Heck yes! If you want to schedule a vision photo shoot or use any of my images on your vision board, just shoot me an email. I would love to help make your vision come true!