Meet Rep Team 2022 Senior: Saya
/Saya is one of the most mature teenagers I have ever met. She blows me away with all that she does and all that she believes in. I am so impressed with who Saya is and what she does for the people around her. Saya knows who she is, what she believes in and stands up for all people and all social justice and fairness. She is respectful of all beliefs, people, and abilities and strives to promote fairness and inclusivity. I am truly inspired by her passion and tender heart.
Saya has a quiet confidence that is so beautiful. She is confident in who she is and what she believes in. She is an ally for all people around her. She loves volunteering at Children’s hospital and also loves working with animals. Her friends would describe her as bubbly, passionate, talkative and fun.
**(If you know Saya be sure and leave a comment below telling her something you admire about her, a favorite memory, wish her well or give her a helpful piece of advice for her future. This blog post will stay live forever, so she can always have this post to look back on).**
Let me introduce Saya Hiatt, senior from Southridge High School graduating in 2022:
Saya loves to perform, sing, dance, and hang out with friends. She loves watching musicals but likes to watch them alone and concentrate when watching them for the first time. Her all time favorites are Mamma Mia 1 &2 and it’s where her fashion style has stemmed from. During Covid, she has discovered more of who she is and what her style is and what her likes and dislikes are. She hopes to be able to incorporate the performing arts in her future career and hopes to live in Europe or New York City one day.
I am amazed at the person Saya is right now. She is fun, and mature and devoted to all areas of her life. I admire her for being an advocate for all people and know she will make a difference in all of her endeavors.
Read below about some of Saya’s favorite things:
Favorite Food
Desserts from New Seasons
Favorite Song, Band, Artist
Sabrina Carpenter and Queen
TV Shows
Gilmore Girls
Favorite Class
Health Careers and Choir
Favorite Shops
Urban Outfitters
Nordstrom Rack
Career Goals?
Performing Arts or Health
“Be yourself and don’t worry about what others think. Be true to your unique self.”
Do you know Saya? If so, leave a comment below telling her something you love, respect or admire about her!

Meet My Other 2022 Reps:
Introducing the beautiful 2022 Rep Samantha LeFore, graduating from Westview High School in June of 2022.