Series Part 2: Senior Boy Tips for Successful Posing
/Who says taking senior portraits of reluctant boys has to be difficult? Keep reading for my top five poses for boys.
55 Tips for getting stunning senior portraits
Behind the Fence Pose
There is some safety for reluctant teens when they have space or a barrier between themselves and the camera.
Sitting on Steps
I have yet to have a portrait of a boy looking up at me while sitting on stairs, not be a keeper. Smiles are unnecessary, and they automatically assume a comfortable position with their arms.
Get Mom's Help
If Mom, a friend, or a sibling can come to the photoshoot, have them engage with the teen. It is always easier to smile and laugh in a direction other than at the camera!
The Lean & Look
The Lean and Look pose keeps boys comfortable because it gives them something to do with their arms, which is often every model's biggest issue. It is very natural to lean on something that puts them at ease conversationally and creates another barrier between them and the dreaded camera.
The Squat
I am sure there are a million better sounding titles for this pose, but it is another favorite. Again, it requires the teen to look up at you, which is always flattering, and again it gives them a convenient place to put those arms.